218 Data Entry Standards for Ellucian Banner Users
NUMBER: | 218 |
RATIONALE: The purpose of this document is to convey Oakland University’s (University) policy on data standards and its employees’ responsibilities regarding data standards related to Banner and in conjunction with OU AP&P #860 Information Security and the University’s Privacy Statement posted at 7s4r.shushijia.net/policies-regulations/web-privacy. The Ellucian Banner (Banner) Enterprise Resource Planning Information System adopted by the University in 1997 requires an interdependence that integrates the various functions of administrative management and requires that data entry standards be followed very closely by all who enter and use the data and information. View the standards detail contents.
POLICY: All employees using and/or overseeing users of the Ellucian Banner system are responsible for the protection and integrity of data and information being entered into Banner. The procedures below define the roles and responsibilities for the Banner Shared Data Committee, supervisors, managers and individuals for the integrity of data shared among Banner modules, as well as training, standards, and data controls to ensure the highest quality of data. |
SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY: This policy applies to all University personnel with modify access to Banner data and their supervisors. |
PROCEDURES: 1. It is the responsibility of supervisors and managers to assure that all Employees responsible for entering data and information into the Banner system be properly trained to do this work. The Banner Shared Data Committee highly recommends that all employees review training materials and take the Banner Data Entry Standards exam on a yearly basis. Training includes, but is not limited to, Banner navigation training, training on the specific Banner module that the Employee will be using, and a thorough review of this policy. If some formal training event is not available on these subjects, then the supervisor or manager must provide the training to the Employee by some other means before the Employee can start the work of entering data or information into the Banner system. It is required that all employees whose job responsibilities include maintaining shared data as defined in the Data Entry Standards, review the manual and take the Banner Data Entry Standards exam annually. Failure to complete the training may result in revocation of access to applicable Banner access. 2. It is the responsibility of supervisors and managers to assure that this policy and standard is continually met by all responsible staff throughout their Departments. Supervisors and managers who are made aware of breaches of these standards must respond quickly to correct any such problems. The supervisor or manager is responsible for the controls and processes used by their Employees to enter data into the system; the accuracy of the data entered; and adherence to this policy and the data entry standards. 3. The Banner Shared Data Committee, working with Human Resources, develops training and testing materials and documentation, along with data standards for entry into Banner. The Committee will promote the use of any and all Banner processes as appropriate to allow for the highest data integrity of Shared Data elements as possible. The Banner Shared Data Committee will work to resolve issues under a specific committee charge. When a supervisor or manager does not take corrective action in a timely manner, the issue should be introduced by the Banner Shared Data Committee to the Banner Operating Committee and discussed in the Banner Operating Committee so that the community of people who are primarily responsible for the University’s data and information can have a full understanding of the issue. The Banner Operating Committee will decide a course of corrective action and the responsible Department supervisor or manager is expected to follow the plan created by the Banner Operating Committee. 4. If a problem continues and is not resolved by the Department, the Banner Operating Committee, along with a representative from Human Resources if needed, can discuss the issue again. Their recommended plan of corrective action and a history of the problem will then be sent to the responsible Division Vice President with a request for the plan to be implemented. 5. As a final step, the Banner Operating Committee can send its report and request to the president of the University asking that the corrective action be taken and describing previous actions and requests. Individuals 1. Individual Banner users are responsible for the proper care, quality and accuracy of data and information they enter into the Banner system. They must study and fully understand these standards and they must work as responsible members of the University information and data entry community. 2. When an Employee is made aware of a problem, the Employee must take immediate corrective action to eliminate the problem and to correct inaccuracies created by their actions. 3. If a problem is detected and identified with an Employee’s work, the individual noting the problem should report the problem to their own supervisor, who should then discuss the problem with the originating Employee’s supervisor or manager. 4. The appropriate supervisor or manager is to then discuss the problem with the Employee and define the steps necessary to correct the problem and the affected data and information, recording the discussion and expected action. A deadline for this action is to be given. 5. If the Employee does not correct the problem in a timely and urgent manner, the supervisor should consult with Human Resources prior to any disciplinary action being taken. Refer to the respective collective bargaining agreements or the Administrative Professional Personnel Procedures Manual for appropriate steps of the disciplinary process. Basic Standards of Work 1. All data entry should include a follow up check to assure that the data entered are correct and comply with these standards. 2. Name searches to avoid duplicated records are absolutely essential for the entry of any new name into the Banner system. 3. Data uploads into the Banner system and batch Banner process runs must be accompanied by appropriate checks or edits to assure accuracy and compliance with these standards. Verification of data load accuracy and batch process accuracy should be thoroughly tested prior to use in a production environment. Data verification should be done after a production run. The supervisor or manager of the area doing the upload is responsible for verification of data load and batch process accuracy and auditing of results. 4. When financial data are entered into Banner, an appropriate control total check should be made to assure the accuracy of the entered financial data. 5. Data entry procedures and processes must be verified by the supervisor or manager of an operation after every Banner release. Training may be required for all staff members to prepare for a new Banner release. Before a Banner user is granted modify access to one of the *IDEN forms, they will be required to take and pass the Banner Data Entry Standards exam. The Banner Shared Data Committee highly recommends that all employees review training materials and take the Banner Data Entry Standards exam on a yearly basis. 6. It must be recognized that many others within the University use data entered into Banner and each Employee must be a constructive member of that community. Coordination and communication within this group is essential to assure that work is accurate and timely, and does not have to be re-entered, modified or technically corrected. Careful data entry usually saves a great deal of time and reduces the need for corrective action. |
OU Administrative Policies and Procedures